GB/s to IOPS

Convert GB/s to IOPS

How to convert GB/s to IOPS

The formula used for the conversion of GB/s to IOPS is:

IOPS = (Throughput in GB/s * 1024 * 1024) / IO Block Size

The steps to convert MB/s to IOPS are:

  1. Multiply the Throughput in GB/s by 1024 to convert it to MB/s.
  2. Multiply the Throughput in MB/s by 1024 to convert it to KB/s.
  3. Divide the result by the IO Block Size in kilobytes (KB).

For example, if you have a throughput of 10GB/s with an I/O block size of 4KB, the IOPS can be calculated as follows:

  1. 10 GB/s * 1024 = 10,240 MB/s
  2. 10,240 MB/s * 1024 = 10,485,760 KB/s
  3. 10,485,760 KB/s / 4 KB = 2,621,440 IOPS

Let's simplify the calculation:

IOPS = (10 * 1024 * 1024) / 4 = 2,621,440 IOPS

Therefore for a throughput of 10 GB/s with an I/O block size of 4 KB, the IOPS would be 2,621,440.

Note: Throughput to IOPS calculations use Base 2 standards, 1 GB = 1024 MB, 1MB = 1024 KB.

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